Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Catching up...and taking a breather.

I've already skipped two classes I planned to go to. And you know what? It felt good. You just can't do it all. Yesterday, after seeing Jesh de Rox, my life was changed. The way I shoot has changed, the way I will approach a session has changed and my outlook on life has change. I swear, it sounds absolutely ridiculous but he is amazing.
After decompressing from Jesh (yes, it took me 20 minutes to stop choking up and shaking)- I went to work the trade show. Oh the joys of talking about what you love. Here's a photo clue; it's obvious. First person to repost my blog and tell people what I was DOING at the tradeshow wins a cute little shootsac tote bag I picked up

(repost with "check out what Dee is doing in Vegas: yesterday she was....) and I'll totally hand over the bag!

So, yesterday was our rockstar day. I convinced Kaela to ditch her afternoon class with me yesterday afternoon and have lunch. In the span of an hour we met; scott bourne (giving away a 5dmk2 on twitter) a high level canon rep who gave us his number if we "ever needed to bypass customer service" and then I met Jesh while I was on my knees (butt in the air) shooting Kaela's legs on the escalator. Here's the scenario

(Me bent over butt in the air)- Kaela turn a little so I can get your legs in the shot
Ok (stand up....turn around)"oh..." (face to face- with my new idol)
"so...hi. you changed my life yesterday" (talking to Jesh)
(he pulls me in for a big hug and says, "thank you"
(I uh...melt?)
"Hey! I want a hug if you're giving them out!" (kaela)

So Jesh walks away. I am freaking out and Kaela doesn't get it, no idea who he is. She thought he was the guy who gave me the lens to borrow ("you changed my lens today") and when I say Jesh she says "oh...my...god" and yells, "SHE REALLY DID TELL ME THAT, SHE LOVES YOU!"

and...you have it. Bonafied fan girl. Never thought I'd be here.

annnnnddd here's the adorable kaela playing with the 24mmL from our window....she's glad she ditched too.

I hope I grab at least one more lighting and posing....I'm STOKED about my boudoir class tonight and getting some serious motivation from Dane. I will keep posting periodically.

And for those of you wondering....do I have audio, video and notes? Yes, I sure do. I'm hoping to compile it all from everyone and if you want it? You have to buy me some coffee and I'll share face to face ;)

Hope all is well back at home!


Jonny said...

Am I the first?

This is Cari BTW

LoveOurBug said...

check out what Dee is doing in Vegas: yesterday she was sponsoring the NILMDTS (Now I lay Me Down To Sleep) organization.
Candice Rosenbach

Dee said...

Thanks guys, LOL. Actually I wanted people to post a link to the blog on their FB but I guess I wasn't specific.

Angela was the first one to do it- so Candice you can have the shootsac tote if you want. Jessica Claire made some cute polka dot ones but I'm not a shootsac girl.

I also have a cute smugmug and millers bag...and a couple of other things I can pass out!

LoveOurBug said...

Would LOVE the shootsac! Sounds like you are having a blast, and learning so much out there in Vegas!

Dee said...

To clarify...it's NOT an actual shootsac. I wish I had the money to give stuff like that away. It's a TOTE bag (canvas) that says shootsac on it ;)